Inner Circle pre-alpha launched
The Inner Circle pre-alpha has now launched! Inner Circle backers can reach it on the Jupiter Hell forums. It’s very basic at this stage, with several known bugs and incompatibilities. But if you have IC access then please check it out and give us your feedback! You’ll see a lot more development of this in the near future, with hopefully weekly builds. Find out more on our forum post (Inner Circle members only).
We also have a new programmer on the team. We’ve been getting him up to speed with the code and the engine, and he has already finished his first major project - porting the engine to Linux. We now have Linux support for the game integrated, and the pre-alpha is available for both Windows and Linux (64-bit only though!)
Kornel has been doing regular live development on Twitch, so be sure to check out his sessions if you want more of an insight into how development has been going. If you’re geekily into how all this stuff gets made then it’s a fantastic opportunity to see behind the scenes of the whole process.
Note that some Hotmail/Live users have been struggling with forum access. If that includes you then please get in touch with us! We’ll sort everything out :)