Final Early Access update: Jupiter Hell 0.9.12 - Trials!
"Trials", a.k.a. Jupiter Hell 0.9.12, marks the final Early Access update as the game will be graduating Steam Early Access and
releasing in full on August 5.
A long, ambitious, and - let's not be afraid to admit - crazy
development cycle is coming to an... climax. Yeah, let's go with climax,
as in no way 1.0 marks the end of Jupiter Hell updates.
If you've been eyeing the game for some time now and don't have it on your wishlist yet, be so kind and correct that obvious oversight now. If you do have it on your wishlist - remember to get Jupiter Hell at the full release date or soon after, so you don't miss the special release discount. Now, let's see that over-the-top cinematic teaser-trailer thing, to whet that appetite!
The Update notes
Jupiter Hell 0.9.12 "Trials" is live!
highlights of this release are a new type of challenges, the eponymous
"Trials", that change the layout of the game. Furthermore you can now
play the same random layout as other people thanks to the "Preset seed
game" mode. New message quests (and one new level event) have also been
added, as well as updates to the game voice over, as well as new
intermission screen music! Finally balance changes and a TON of fixes
have been made, read all about it below!Trials
Purity - no-bullshit, no special levels, no quests but a higher chance for random exotics and uniques!
Haste - half the levels, twice the experience - for the times when you want a shorter, more intense game!
Endless - ever wanted to see the limits of your characters power? Try your wits in the endless challenge!
Arena - fight off waves of enemies in the Arena!
Royal - the Jupiter Hell "boss" rush - only special levels, but you get to pick the amount and order!
Of course each Trial comes with its set of badges to earn!
Seeded games
(note that seeded games don't unlock achievements, badges, found items, and are not recorded on the highscore list)
New message quests
Voice over update
Additionally we fixed some voice issues with encountering exalted packs and picking up new weapons for the first time.
Intermission music
UI/UX improvements
Rank requirements
Balance changes
Beta 0.9.12 - Trials - July 21, 2021
NEW #1441 - Purity trial added!
NEW #1454 - Haste trial added!
NEW #1440 - Endless trial added!
NEW #1442 - Arena trial added!
NEW #1457 - Royal trial added!
NEW #1320 - 48 new message quests (6 new types)!
NEW #1369 - Preset seed game - share the same game with others
NEW #1405 - new voice lines, Beyond serious tone override
NEW #1406 - option to turn on voice subtitles
NEW #1405 - new voice styles (serious, serious clean)
NEW #1434 - dedicated intermission music tracks
NEW #1422 - new event - Toxic Contamination
NEW #1189 - post-mortem damage source log on death
NEW #1459 - Random/Fated option in class choice
NEW #1466 - 2 new medals - Blind Luck Star and Plot Armor Medal
CHANGE #1444 - Challenge/Trial pick menu has best and next badge
CHANGE #1444 - locked entries list missing badges to unlock
CHANGE #1445 - buffed Monster, Bloodletter and Love damage
CHANGE #1445 - buffed auto, assault and plasma rifles by +1 damage
CHANGE #1445 - increased enemy density (especially early game)
CHANGE #1428 - VO event for uniques and a random unique in chest
CHANGE #1433 - volume settings are logarithmic
CHANGE #1433 - adjusted some default volume settings
CHANGE #1427 - challenge modes require Medium+ difficulty
CHANGE #1427 - Shattered Abyss doesn't appear on Easy
CHANGE #1422 - made Exalted Summons event harder
CHANGE #1447 - draw distance configurable, better defaults
CHANGE #1448 - FPS counter is optional, hidden by default
FIX #1428 - exalted pack VO will correctly play on first enemy
FIX #1428 - first pickup VO will correctly play for all types
FIX #1436 - fixed Frozen Temple/Fiend Crown interaction
FIX #1436 - fixed unique drops in Dark Cathedral
FIX #1389 - fixed kill counters bug once and for all
FIX #1455 - you will only get the highest tier medals
FIX #1435 - frozen heart is properly seed-based
FIX #1450 - Exalted Curse plays the VO just once on entry
FIX #1451 - you no longer lose Gunrunner bonus on free actions
FIX #1452 - "Level" string for uniques wont show up on compare
FIX #1461 - fixed selection disappearing on double level-up
FIX #1460 - summoner is immune to acid
FIX #1431 - fixed source of rare Vulkan crashes on load
FIX #1467 - fixed rare garbled hint messages
What's next
else is there to say? 1.0 is next :). And with it we'll finally invite
you to board Dante Station and cleanse the evil within... Stay tuned for August 5th and Jupiter Hell coming out of Early Access!