The Beta is here! If you’re a Beta backer or above you should by now have received an e-mail from us with the Beta 0.3.0 Steam Key - check your spam folder! If you can’t find it, please get in touch with us.
The game is still a deep work in progress, but has come a very long way from the early pre-Alpha stages, and has been gradually been improving with input and suggestions from the Inner Circle and Alpha communities. We’re thrilled to open this up now to many more fans and to get more feedback as Jupiter Hell moves into the next stage of development!
The beta is working on both Windows and Linux. OSX users, please be a little patient with us. From now on all updates to the game will be via Steam.
Jupiter Hell on Steam
The Steam page for Jupiter Hell is now live. It’s a big help for us if you wishlist it, so please do so even if you haven’t got access to the game yet!
Road to early access
Whilst the core of the game is in place there is still a lot more content to get loaded in. As we move towards open release on Early Access our development focus is now switching towards adding in layers and layers of content. That means more of the following:
- Player classes with unique traits and abilities
- Challenge modes, online leaderboards, player achievements, and extra difficulty levels
- A longer game with two more major locations
- Modular weapons and armor, more weapons, more items
- More enemies, bosses and enemy variety
- Plot details, quests, cutscenes
- Music, sound, voice acting
- UI configuration, mouse and controller support
And of course many other things secret or yet to be conceived! Community support is vital at this stage to let us know what works, what doesn’t, and feed in new ideas and suggestions. Make sure to try the beta out and give feedback via the community channels. Let’s plays and other recordings of the game are very welcome - please send us a link to anything you publish as we love to see them!
Jupiter Hell community
We’re thrilled to get to this stage, and we couldn’t do it without the great support of our fans. We always want more feedback, so if you have something to say please get in touch via:
- Discord chat,
- ChaosForge forums (inc dedicated Beta forum),
- Twitter,
- Twitch, with regular livestreaming of Jupiter Hell development
Also, most of the team will be at GiC next week. Get in touch if you want to meet up.