Player keys have been sent!
In less than 24 hours we’re launching Jupiter Hell in Early Access! Thank you so much for supporting us on this journey, we couldn’t have done it without you ❤.
If you were PLAYER (or METALHEAD or DELUXE) level backer, you should have a key for Jupiter Hell in your inbox (check your spam folder too!) - this is a special release override key, so you can play RIGHT NOW!
NOTE: we just recently added a macOS build - it should be considered experimental, as there are still some issues, especially on Inter Iris Pro 5200 - hotfix will be available after launch!
Is this the end of development? No it’s just the beginning! We have a lot more stuff to add before we can call the game 1.0, and will be hard at work for the next year! This is just some of the stuff that’s still in the pipeline to add to the game.
- more branches, special levels, enemies and weapons (especially energy weapons)
- diffent damage types and effects, energy shields
- Dante Station endgame zone
- Boss-fights at the end of episodes
- simple cutscenes with more plot information
- much bigger trait and item variety
- full procedural destruction of levels
- more environmental interaction
- hacking and more terminal interaction
- full modding support
- and a lot more!
However, we feel that we are at a point that you can now enjoy the game and help us make it grow! So please let us know what you think of the Early Access version and how you want to see the game grow.
Tomorrow will be a big for us and we could really use your continued
support. As a really small studio without a publisher or a marketing
agency, most of our outreach is through direct contact and people, like
you, who believe in us. Here are some things you can do to help us
during launch:
- Tell your friends about the game and share the Steam page
- Post about the launch in your Steam, Discord and other communities
- Ask your favorite streamers/Youtubers to play the game
Handy links to share:
- Launch trailer (watch it :D): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY8hfy0GopQ
- Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/811320/Jupiter_Hell/
- Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/jupiterhell
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaosforge_org
Thanks again for all your support!
People who used the itch.io discount have been moved to the itch.io list of keys to send - you'll get your steam keys but a bit later!
If you still not received your key and nothing is in spam etc.
Please go here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2020043306/jupiter-hell-a-modern-turn-based-sci-fi-roguelike/creator_bio then "Contact" button!